Archery is the art, practice, or skill of shooting arrows with the use of a bow. Archery has historically been used for game hunting and combat; in modern times, however, its main use is that of a recreational activity. Archery sport competitions are divided in following disciplines:1. Outdoor & Indoor Target Archery2. Field Archery3. Run-Archery4. Clout Archery5. Archery Nordic Biathlon6. Flight ArcheryThree main types οf bows are used іn archery sport:Recurve bowA recurve bow has tips that curve away from the archer when the bow is strung. By definition, the difference between recurve and other bows is that the string touches a section of the limb when the bow is strung. LongbowA longbow is a type of bow that is tall (roughly equal to the height of the person who uses it); this will allow its user a fairly long draw, at least to the jaw (the average length of arrow-shafts recovered from the 1545 sinking of the Mary Rose is 75 cm/30 in).Compound bowA compound bow is a modern bow that uses a levering system, usually of cables and pulleys, to bend the limbs. The limbs of a compound bow are much stiffer than those of a recurve bow or longbow. Table of Contents:01) The Benefits of Archery 02) Archery History 03) Getting Started in Archery 04) The First Bow 05) Acquiring a Longbow 06) Selecting the Right Bow 07) The Compound Bow 08) How To Choose Arrows 09) Learn about Equipment 10) Modern Equipment 11) The Sling & Bow Hand 12) Self Assessment 13) The 7 Success Habits 14) 10 Basic Steps in Shooting 15) How To Start Out 16) Ancient Steel Bows 17) Archery Then and Now 18) Clout Archery 19) Different Stances 20) Stance Errors 21) How to Stop Hitting 22) Competitive Archery? 23) "The Way of the Bow" 24) GlossaryThіѕ іѕ a priceless, rare mobile collection fοr аll nature lovers, outdoor enthusiasts аnd adventurers. A easy to read guide to learn archery from your mobile device!TIP!Painful Shoulders Stopping You From Shooting?Download The Six Week Recovery Plan For Archers With Weak And Sore Shoulders >>